TestimonialsTestimonials & Comments

These are a few testimonials from our archives.  We will attempt to add as many as we can as we sift through the boxes.

Please feel free to add your own.  There is a form at the bottom of this page or click the Testimonial Form tab above.  Please note that because of intense spam, we have the form set to review before publishing.  So, it might take a few days before you see your comments.

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Post Chemo

I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate your product. We found it in Chucks in Vancouver, WA. Our son, after chemotherapy treatment began to break out in rashes while bathing. After many attempts at even organic soaps, we had him tested. He is allergic to 4 different chemicals. . . . Keys is the only product that has worked.

June 27, 2023

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Dermatitis Issues

I wanted to reach out because I became obsessed with your products almost 6 years ago when I was pregnant with our daughter and in my final few weeks before birth broke out with contact dermatitis. I was unable to use any products except yours and instantly fell in love. I made my own mask and used your line to heal my skin in just 2 days! Ever since we have your products in our house at all times for face wash, moisturizer, bug repellent, cuts, sunburns and more! I'm currently pregnant with our 2nd child (due in September) and have been aiming for even more cleaner skin care

June 27, 2023

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5-10 Years Younger with Nextra

I just wanted to let you know that I love the Nextra Retinol product and Eye Butter ( which I have been using for over 10 years). But the Nextra is absolutely amazing. I started using the product during the pandemic and continue nightly. The results have been amazing. I am 51 years old, but I now look at least 5-10 years younger--maybe more. People cannot believe how smooth and healthy my skin looks for my age. The fine lines have been basically eliminated and the deeper ones are much softer now. The color tone is even and the pores are smoother. I cannot live without this product now. Just ordered two more. And it is surprisingly affordable compared to all the other face creams out there that do not even work! So I just wanted to say thank you, and I so much appreciate your efforts to continually experiment Continue Reading

January 31, 2023

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Luminos PLUS, a game changer

I just wanted to say how much I love your products. I've been using them for probably about 10 years now, and I still love them and tell others about them regularly. I was compelled to write because I recently tried Luminos Plus, and it is a GAME CHANGER. I'm so happy with it and I think it's made a big difference in my skin! Just wanted to pass along the positive feedback. Thank you for making such amazing, effective, clean products! I'm a huge fan.

Lori December 23, 2022

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Keys – A Cancer Patient’s Savior!

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July of 2021. Surgery and radiation followed. Seeing photos of the skin damage radiation can inflict, I was on the hunt for some skin care products to get me through these treatments. I was recommended Aquaphor, but being a natural product advocate I research everything and wasn't pleased with the ingredients. Somehow, luckily, I stumbled upon Avojel which led me to Keys. During my radiation I did not give thought to what else Keys might offer, but once the dust settled, I began to explore their site and their story, and ordered some more products. I was blown away. Not only due to the quality of the ingredients, lack of junk, but also because my skin has never looked better. I feel like I have inadvertently found a gold mine. And then I read Bob's story about Wendy and her cancer and knew Continue Reading

Debbie All Keys products April 18, 2022

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Nasty Heat Rash – GONE!

My friend gave me a sample of the RediCare, it's been in my travel stash for a year or so...On a recent trip to Maui, I got bad heat rash on my upper arms and the back of my legs. This isn't the first time. I seem to be very sensitive to sunscreens. It's awful. It itches and prickles anytime your skin heats up. Not very fun on a tropical vacation. I tried everything cortaid, aloe, coconut oil, cool washcloths... Then I pulled out my sample of Redicare and the first night it was reduced by atleast 50%. By the 3rd night it was gone. I hopped online and not only bought myself a large bottle, but I am buying some for my Frenchie Cupcake who's fur is falling out and has hot spots! Thank you, thank you, thank you & ALOHA

Lisa RediCare Ayurvedic Spray April 18, 2022

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Dear Friends at Keys, I want to let you know that your MetaCare Intensive Therapy cream has helped me a lot! I have a broad and deep surgical wound following skin cancer removal which was itching and sore and red. After using this creme, I've noticed that the would is healing fast, and neither itches nor hurts. I've been using my samples until now, but plan to order a full bottle and use it until my wound is entirely healed. Thanks for a great product! Sincerely, J B

February 4, 2020

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Keys Omni for Itch

I would love to reach my often itchy back with some soothing lotion after I shower but since I really can't reach it well I am pleased to be able to spray on some Omni Elixir. It really works and I also use it on my closed eyes to reduce allergy symptoms.....It's amazing or might I say "Omazing". Lately I spray it on at bedtime to wake up with calmer skin. Thanks Keys !  

Kim November 14, 2019

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KODA OmniShield for Humans?

Sooooo i was outside and got eaten by mosquitos. I tried everything to help the itch and nothing worked until i used my dogs omnishield. Holy shit it worked!!! So now i want to know if its safe for humans to use on a regular basis. Ideally i would like to wear it as an insect repellent instead of nasty DEET. Is that ok? Lisa Hi Lisa, Haha! Yes, you can use OmniShield. It is very close to our ForceX repellant. The only real difference is that OmniShield has a little more oil so that it migrates to the skin on the dog’s fur. We do have some people that use it as a repellant/conditioner for their skin. So, you are good! Mickey

August 24, 2019

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Psoriasis and Eczema Relief

Hi, I just had to let you know that your products are amazing and have changed my life. I have suffered from psoriasis and eczema for many, many years. I love that your products really work and are free of harmful chemicals. Thank you, Madlene

May 5, 2019

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Love Everything

I really like everything I have used so far. Please let everyone involved know they are deeply appreciated for the time and effort they have put into creating these products. There are a lot of us out here who really benefit from products without chemicals, toxins, etc.

Melody January 23, 2019

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Tortuga Quality

“PLEASE don’t ever stop making this wonderful Tortuga Lotion!!!”

Mina January 16, 2019

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“Thank you so so so much for making and selling these products! They are the only products that work for my rosacea skin!!”

John November 27, 2018

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“Thank you so so so much for these products! They soooo help my rosacea when no prescription could!”

October 9, 2018

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Better Than My Doc!

“Used your products previously and realize they are better than those suggested by my doctor.”

October 3, 2018

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Love Love Love

“I love love love your products!!! Thank you thank you thank you!  J”

September 7, 2018

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KEYS products met my expectations and went beyond.

I first reached out to KEYS products to solve a few minor but chronic skin conditions. I am 60 years old and have only experienced these conditions in the last few years. I had three concerns. 1) Chronic dry itchy spots. 2) Facial skin sensitivity and break out that was also dry in nature. 3) Meibomitis. (Meibomitis is defined as a dysfunction and inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the eyelid margins (meibomian glands) which causes a reduced production of oily substance needed to keep the eye lubricated.) I had already tried a lot of other skin products. I was hoping that the KEYS products would do better. The KEY products have not only treated my problems but have improved my skin beyond any of my hopes or expectations! My dry and otherwise irritated skin patches have disappeared. The MetaCare lotion was immediately soothing and long term effective. The Island Continue Reading

Lorie Burger multiple products August 1, 2018

Natural and effective

I absolutely love this eye butter. I have very sensitive skin and the area around the eyes is even more sensitive! I was looking for a good and natural eye cream to diminish fine lines and nourish my skin. I finally found this eye cream. I wished I had found it many years ago. I've tried many products and have not been this satisfied. It makes the skin around my eyes look and feel 5 years younger. Given that I am this happy with this eye butter I am also going to buy other Keys products.

Tania Eye Butter August 1, 2018

Flawless skin

I have been using your Tortuga moisturizer on my face for several years now. Nearly every day someone comments on how beautiful, dewey and flawless my skin is. I have no wrinkles and I'm 63 years old. They ask what I use and I tell them it's Tortuga. Thank you for a wonderful product line.

Elizabeth Tortuga February 27, 2017

Zinc Care Fighting Wasps

A Keys testimonial of how a customer used Zinc Care to fight a wasp sting. Zinc Care 1 - Wasp 0 Continue Reading

Elizabeth November 18, 2016

Keys Reflex Probiome for Rosacea

Reflex for Rosacea I really like that oil - Reflex Probiome - for my face. It is the only thing that has ever helped with my rosacea. After a week or so the redness is almost non-existent. I'll definitely be getting more. Amy

Amy Reflex ProBiome April 7, 2016

Keys Touches The Entire Family

My family and I use ALL the Keys products and we are possessively attached to each and everyone of them (even the dogs are!) I cannot laud the formulations enough........beautiful, functional, wonderful to apply, etc. But I wanted to especially highlight your truly amazing Solar RX which we all use during the day, throughout the year! In May of this year my husband was diagnosed with Lymphoma, underwent chemo therapy and 3 weeks of daily radiation. His oncologist briefed him on side effects and skin problems, most commonly associated with radiation therapy and he was asked to list which product(s) he is using on his skin and especially on his face and neck, where the radiation is directed. My husband told the DRs. and nurses that he uses Keys Solar RX and Luminos at night....... Nearing the end of his treatment, the oncologists were examining my husband's skin, checking for the Continue Reading

Jeannette M Seattle Washington September 23, 2014

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RediCare to the Rescue – Lucy Looses the Itchies

My dog, Lucy, is So Happy! You have made her life soooo much better!!! She is a 10 year old terrier, and for the first time in her life, she doesn't constantly itch. Continue Reading

Chana Northern California July 22, 2014

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KODA ProBiome to the rescue!

(Update) We are still seeing improvements, more energy, regular movements, and no front paw licking.  Can't believe I waited so long to purchase!  Well worth every penny. (Original)  I received my order in excellent shape.  My biewer Fiona Freckles has been enjoying the (KODA Probiome) probiotic for a week now, and she loves it, and I love what it is doing for her.  Her ears have zero smell, and she is no longer itching just after 5 days.  Thank you to you and your team for making excellent products:  I can't wait to try others.

January 28, 2014

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KPRO for Compliments

I just started using your KPRO products…the Moisturizer Tint and Eye Correction Cream.  I’ve never been complimented on my skin before, but now, it is happening all the time!   My skin feels so smooth…I am loving it!!

Charlotte West Hollywood, California December 11, 2013

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KODA ProBiome – Noticeable Improvement

My dog was really ill and on antibiotics.  I started using KODA ProBiome every day.  I took her in for bloodwork a few weeks later.  The vet was amazed at how all her levels had improved.

Jennifer West Hollywood, California December 11, 2013

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MetaCare and the Sharpei

I work in a pet store and tried everything to help my dog’s hot spots.  I have a Sharpei and he has terrible skin problems.  I used MetaCare and Wow…his skin has healed.  That stuff is amazing!   I recommend it to everyone for their dog’s skin problems.

Jason Studio City, California December 11, 2013

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Acne Gone – Island RX & Luminos

I have acne and nothing has ever cleared up my skin.  I used the samples you gave me of Island Rx and Luminos and didn’t use any other products.  In a few days, I saw my skin improve as never before…it is clear for the first time.

Eli Studio City, California December 11, 2013

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Itchy Dog and RediCare

One of my customers has agoraphobia and hadn’t gone outside for over a year.  Her dog was suffering from severe itching and rashes so I sent her Keys RediCare.  About two weeks later, she came into the store!  She said her dog’s skin had healed and he had stopped the incessant scratching.  She was so grateful she wanted to personally come and thank me.  I just had to let you know!

Pat Sherman Oaks, California December 11, 2013

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Island Rx and Luminos Guy Face

I’ve been using Island Rx and Luminos on my face and I can’t believe how my skin has changed.  Thank you so much.

George Los Feliz, California December 11, 2013

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OmniClean for Soft Fur

I recently rescued a dog and used OmniClean to bathe her.  I couldn’t believe how soft it made her coat.  It was so different than when I first got her and she had been bathed with some other shampoo that made her hair wiry and frizzy.  I love how she feels!

Erin Los Feliz, California December 11, 2013

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OmniClean & OmniShield for Fleas

I work with rescue dogs and so many have skin conditions from fleas.  I use OmniClean and their skin starts healing.  Then, to prevent the fleas, I put some garlic in their food and use OmniShield.  I don’t have any flea problems…it’s great!

Lisa Hollywood, California December 11, 2013

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Leg Rash

All the companies I’ve looked at claim they’re natural, but when I look up their ingredients, I’m always disappointed.  I was so excited when I found Keys.  The rash on my leg has cleared up and I just love how all my skin feels.  Thank you!!

Olivia Los Feliz, California December 11, 2013

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RediCare for Itchy Scalp

One of our employees is currently caring for her elderly mother. The mother developed some sort of itchy rash of unknown cause on her entire scalp (the itching was so bad, she'd scratch until she bled). The dermatologist couldn't discern what it was, and all attempts to relieve it failed (both with natural remedies and things like Benedryl and cortisol creams). I had her try the RediCare spray. She came back the next day and told me that it alleviated the itching immediately, and her mother was finally able to sleep through the night.

Vanessa Santa Barbara, California December 11, 2013

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Solar Rx is the Best

I have been using your Solar RX sunscreen for several years and I must tell you that it is, bar none, the best sunscreen I have ever used. In the past, I have used lots of different sunscreens that always seemed to cause irritation to my skin. I always felt I needed to wear sunscreen to protect my skin, but I ended up feeling like the chemicals were bad for it at the same time. Your product is so natural and gentle on my skin, I actually love to use it as a daily moisturizer. It makes my skin feel smooth and moisturized, while providing great protection. This is the absolute first sunscreen I have ever used that protected my skin from the sun, but also was a great clean product that was actually good for my skin in other ways. Thank you soooo much for making such an outstanding Continue Reading

Lauren Ventura, California December 11, 2013

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Actor Trick

I am a television commercial actor living near Burbank California.  I herd the founder of Keys speak at a local Hollywood event and he talked about developing Luminos for a TV show to create an illusion on the skin.  So, I was auditioning for as part and before jumping in the lightbox for a HD camera test, I smeared Luminos all over my body.  Well, the director of photography noticed and asked what I was using.  Of course I lied.  Nothing I said!  I got the part and still use the same trick every audition.  Here is to glowing skin.

KD Studio City, CA December 5, 2013

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Bed Sores

I was in a motorcycle accident in my teens and now quadriplegic.  Friend gave me MetaCare from Keys for my sores and withing a few days I was feeling better.  Thanks Keys for some light in my life.

John Ventura, CA December 5, 2013

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Burned Hands Healing

I am a commercial pilot and was involved in a crash where my hands and arms were burned so badly that my skin is so tight after skin graphs.  I was given Keys MetaCare as a present.  After just a few weeks, my skin became softer and it is now easier to fly.  Nothing can replace my original skin, but MetaCare helped so much.  Thanks!

Mike Seattle, WA December 5, 2013

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Ten Years of Hell

I was diagnosed with Eczema ten years ago.  I itched, scratched and took every possible prescription drug.  A friend gave me Keys Tortuga.  The first week the itching stopped,  The second week the dryness was going away.  Within a month my hands were clear.  It has never come back.  I cried when writing this because the relief has so changed my life and my outlook.  My hands are clear again.   Thank you Keys!!!

Marnie Santa Monica, CA December 5, 2013

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Bought Sunscreen, Got Rid of Rosacea!

I bought Keys Solar Rx as a moisturizer with sunscreen.  What I got was more, well actually less.  After a week of using Solar Rx, my redness from what was diagnosed as rosacea was diminished so much that I had to contact the company.  The founder, Bob, replied and explained that it was the uncoated zinc oxide that was helping.  The founder replied and on a Sunday!

Kate Los Angeles December 5, 2013

Keys is UK Okay

I founded Keys!  While staying with my friends, Bob & Wendy, they had Keys Soap in a shabby bottle in their guest bathroom.  I like Dr. Bronners and loved their soap.  So I stole a bottle or two and took it home to the UK.  In a week, my sons acne was gone.  I emailed my mate, Bob, asked him to get some real labels and sell me some.  A few month later I saw the notice that they were going national.  ...and all because of me!   Okay!  True story.  My friend Brian talked us into it.  It has been seven days a week since.   Thanks a lot Brian!  Bob

Brian Hook, UK December 5, 2013

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Itchy Baby

My eight month old son has suffered from baby eczema since he was about two months old.  I had tried every kind of cleanser I could find on him, ones that said they were for "very dry, sensitive skin".  Nothing worked, in fact his skin just got worse!  I got a sample of the Mangrove Soap and within three days there was a huge improvement in his skin!  The redness was gone and he was itching less!  I was so excited about the change, I ordered a full size bottle of the Mangrove Soap right away.  We are now about half way through the bottle and my son's skin is almost completely healed!  I am so thankful that I finally found something that really does what it says it will, and is TRULY all natural!

Jenni Washington DC Area December 5, 2013

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They Made It For Me!

Over the past couple of years I have spent countless amounts of money searching for a product that would not irritate my skin after continued use. A lot of the irritation came from my sensitivity to Vitamin E as well as other additives.  I really liked Island Rx, which has no additives, but found that I couldn’t use it on my face because of my sensitivity to Vitamin E.   Bob would not take "no" for an answer and the "Mango" (Mangrove) product was created.   Thank you for taking the time to listen to what was actually happening and adding this product.  I have now been using it for several weeks with only positive results.  Thanks again!

Beth Miami, FL December 5, 2013

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ECO Safe!

I asked for a sample (Island Rx) to take on a whale-watching trip on the Baja Peninsula. We were in a place with just a tent and no running water. We were told to bring phosphate-free soap, so I used the one Wendy uses.  It worked just great, lathered quickly and rinsed fast.  I have extremely dry skin.  After using this soap, it feels great. It doesn't feel tight getting out of the shower. I love the way it smells. I've been using it for three months.

Alexis Marin County, CA December 5, 2013

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Two Paws Up!

We have two rescued Greyhounds that reside with us.  Recently one of our dogs became ill and had to be put on Prednisone. This drug made her drink copious amounts of water. While her body was adjusting she drank so much water that we ended up with a few accidents.  One morning in particular we discovered she had had an accident while sleeping in her crate. Poor baby, I ended up taking her outside and bathing her with your non-toxic soap.  After her bath her coat was so soft and she smelled so good, I immediately brought out the other dog and gave her a bath too.  Our vote is: Bow, WOW! WOW!

Nancy Johnson, TN December 5, 2013

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PETA Friends

I like the wonderful clean smell; moisturizes without being oily; not tested on animals is a plus (PETA should add this to their list of humane products) (They Have!).  I feel clean and fresh after using both Island Rx and Windsurfer—can use often (twice in one day) as they are not drying; can use with washcloth, shower puff or right on your hand.

Susan Portland, OR December 5, 2013

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Dogs Love Keys

It is heart-wrenching to watch a beloved pet suffer a seizure. When my Labrador had her third episode, I looked at the record and it became obvious that each of the seizures had occurred shortly after her monthly bath.  Could it be the shampoo?  Internet chat rooms suggested that this could be the cause. I use Island RX and learned that there was a therapeutic soap formulated especially for pets… Muttineer. (Now OmniClean for dogs and MetaClean..for people)  Well, Velvet has had her bath, her black fur is soft and shiny, and 72 hours afterwards she’s doing just fine. Thank you.

Sandy Florida December 5, 2013

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Island RX Fan

I enjoyed the great lather and very clean scent (not flowery and fake smelling like some products)!

Connie New Jersey December 5, 2013

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Chicago Cold

I got my Keys Soap and THANKS…They smell SO GOOD - like fresh juicy grapefruit - and I'm enjoying both.  I've been using them nightly (I always shower late at night before hitting the hay) and alternating the two products.  The scent is so invigorating.

Penny Chicago, IL December 5, 2013

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Long Time Customer

I have been using Keys Soap since the fall of 2004 and I love it. Just a small amount on a mesh sponge is enough to create thick lather and smell make you feel like you're taking a shower in an orange grove. My husband and I live in an RV and do a great deal of traveling. The fact that the soap is thin, the lather generous and you rinse squeaky clean is so refreshing.  This soap has helped immensely with my eczema. I no longer need to use heavy moisturizers to counteract the dryness. About the only thing I use now is a light moisture with a built in SPF 30

Nancy Port St. Lucie, FL December 5, 2013

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8 Year Old Fan!

Dear Wendy, Thank you for the Windsurfer soap. I really like it a lot. Love Paige

Paige Davie, FL December 5, 2013

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Works and Smells Good

The therapeutic value of Keys Soap is terrific, it really does make my skin feel smoother and cleaner. But that's not why I buy Windsurfer. I buy it because it smells absolutely wonderful.  It's the only scent that I know of that can actually make me smile. A shower with Windsurfer is the best way to start a day.

Thad Atlanta, GA December 5, 2013

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Another From Ryan

Being involved in the automotive industry leaves me exposed to many different chemicals. From solvents to lubricants, most things I encounter on a daily basis are not very skin friendly. My hands are my most valuable tool and protecting them is difficult at the best of times. Using Island Rx and Windsurfer leaves my hands and skin feeling refreshed every day. Small scratches and scrapes heal up quickly and without any irritation.

Ryan Regina, Canada December 5, 2013

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Word of Mouth

Keys soap, if it can be called that - it does not feel like a soap on the skin, it feels more like a liquid moisturizer that cleans. I would like to take a minute to thank the creator of Keys Soap. I'm a barber and have been for 27 years and every winter I go through red and dried out hands and knuckles, because I wash my hands about 20 plus times a day.  Recently, a customer I’ve known for years sat in my chair and I immediately noticed his skin was different and asked what he was using.  He said Keys Soap. I said what? He explained about their soaps and said they have a hand soap called Galleyon.  I tried it and have fallen in love with a soap! My hands look and feel great, no more red knuckles or itchy, dried out hands. I can't thank Continue Reading

Dianne Ponte Vedra Beach, FL December 5, 2013

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Car Guy Hands

Canadian winters are brutal on my skin. 40 below zero and 40 mile per hour winds pull moisture out of my skin more than anything I've ever experienced. After using Island RX for only one week the softness and moisture in my skin was fully restored. The dryness and painful cracking that had become common for me every winter is now just a memory. Thank you so much Bob for your commitment to helping people live better, healthier, happier lives

Ryan Regina, Canada December 5, 2013

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Not Skin Cancer

For the past three years I have been battling a dermatological condition with numerous visits to several doctors, prescription medications, ointments, salves, and topical oils, and hundreds of dollars in “natural” shampoos, soaps, and lotions… all with no relief. So, when I was handed the 4-ounce sample of Island RX, I was skeptical, but because it was from a good friend I went ahead and tried it. Well, within two weeks there was marked improvement head to toe. I am now finishing my first 8-ounce bottle and the results really are incredible. The doctors have been watching a “blotch” on my cheek suspicious of skin cancer and today that blotch is all but gone! Finally, a therapeutic soap that really does heal the skin. Thank you.

Sandra JAX, FL December 5, 2013

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Time Traveler

I have had skin rashes from traveling and staying in hotels.  The harsh detergents they use cause my skin to break out and turn red.  Island Rx you changed my life!  Shower every time with Island Rx seems to keep the harsh detergents used in hotels from bothering my skin.  I love the feel of my skin even hours after showering.  The smell is absolutely wonderful.

Carla Sant Fe, New Mexico December 5, 2013

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A Believer!

I scratched myself so often at night, that I awoke to find blood on my sheets. Doctors have given me steroid creams but nothing worked. Nothing, that is, until my husband read an article about the start-up of a  manufacturer with an all-natural liquid soap line. He got some of the company's samples by calling the company (which they sent to us free of charge). I was a little skeptical of Keys Soap's claims that eliminating ubiquitous foam-producing chemicals like sodium laureth sulfate and ammonium laureth sulfate in favor of organic essential oils produces a better soap.  But 12 days later, my condition cleared up dramatically.  It's got to be something in the product. I regret I didn't take any before photos because my husband is stunned at the difference in my appearance.  The itching has stopped.

Shirley Washington DC Area December 5, 2013

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College Son Acne

My son had been on a mild antibiotic for his skin (acne) while away at college.  It wasn’t working, so I gave him a bottle of Island Rx when he came home for Spring break.  I told him to wash his face and hair with it.  Within 3-days of being home it was a 1000 percent better

Dave Crofton, MD December 5, 2013

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Acne Gone!

The soap cleans my skin and erases my acne. This fine product also makes my skin feel softer. The Island Rx is the one I use and it smells really good. The smell lasts all day too which is really great.

Mitch Marietta, GA December 5, 2013

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